




关怀的校园 is a proven, evidence-based method of improving student retention, 成功, and completion by building personal connections between students and staff. 的关怀 Campus team's mission is train all Butte College Classified Professionals in the 5 identified behaviors which have the most impact on improving student connection and 成功.

的 Institute for Evidence-Based Change (IEBC) created 关怀的校园 based on research that shows students who feel more connected to their college are more likely to persist through adversity, stay enrolled from semester to semester, and complete their academic 目标.

的 California 社区 Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO) embraced the power of 关怀的校园 to support 引导路径 statewide and the Vision for Success with funding for IEBC's 关怀的校园 work with 18 colleges in 2020.

For 2021-2023, the CCCCO has expanded its IEBC关爱校园 support with funding for an additional 30 colleges, including Butte College. 的 new funding will empower almost two-thirds of all California community colleges to be 关怀的校园es over 接下来的两年. 的 objective of IEBC's 关怀的校园 program is to increase student retention and 成功 in community colleges by creating and cultivating caring environments through the intentional inclusion of all staff in student 成功 efforts. - Institute for Evidence-Based Change

Want to know all about 关怀的校园?
你很幸运!! Watch a recording of our first big training event, the Big Kickoff!




Butte College 关怀的校园 Leaders


Butte College's 关怀的校园 founders are pictured above. If you're interested in joining the 关怀的校园 team, reach out to any current Classified Professionals in this photo for more info:

克里斯Westbay, Kelly Kenney, Sheryl Dysthe, Claudia Godinez, Meredith Marasco, C.R. Schafer, Jill Hedman, Quinn Winchell, Amy Duncan, Allen Charles, Raquel Piña-Holmstrom, Alicia Mendizaval Hernandez, Mitzi Felix, Kathy Todd, Miguel Garcia, Harry Saito, Susie Sierra, Josh Woodward, Mai Xiong, Anna Fairbanks, Amy Hughes, Janine Gomez, and our IEBC关爱校园 Coach, Jean Petty.

关怀的校园-Butte College Historical Timeline

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