2019-20 Unit Plan

Mission Statement

Housed in the Sociocultural Studies Department, History supports student success, completion and transfer. 我们努力培养学生的历史推理能力,以促进终身学习,并帮助他们成为多元化社会的贡献成员.

Program Description

History is the study of how the society we live in came to be. Through contemplation 
通过对史料的分析,历史学家解读历史,构建集体记忆. 历史转学副学士课程为学生提供美国和世界历史的基础知识, as well as with an introduction to the historical inquiry process. The degree offers two of four courses required in the CSU, Chico major core program, 除了被批准为通识历史选修课的课程之外. 成功完成历史课程后,学生将能够:
1. 找出美国和世界历史上的主要发展, and to examine the past from diverse perspectives.
2. 将历史推理应用于对过去的研究和思考
causation, context, chronology, and change and continuity.
3. 通过提出问题和进行研究,利用历史方法, analyzing evidence, and articulating defensible conclusions

构成AA-T学位的课程也适用于Butte和transfer通识教育. With about eighty sections offered each school year, 历史为大量的学生提供服务,并满足一系列重要的通识教育和转学要求. 除了历史课程外,还有两门人文学科课程.

现有历史学专任教师2人,副教授13人. 在2019年春季,82%的历史课程由副教授教授. A contributing factor, albeit small, 导致这一比例下降的原因是,其中一名全职历史教师有大量的时间被重新分配到校园的其他职责上.

Accountability for Previously Funded Items

Accountability Item 1

Full-time Faculty Hire

Amount: 109877.00
Used For Intended Purpose: Yes

历史学院被授权聘请一名新的全职教师,2019年秋季开学. The hiring process for this position is currently underway.

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes (Optional)






Strategic Direction (Optional)


Program Review (Optional)

History completed its most recent Program Review in May 2010, in conjunction with the Humanities and Philosophy disciplines. 在验证小组的10项建议中,有8项适用于历史/人文学科. Below is an abbreviated version of the Recommendations, with comments.

  1. Continue and expand offerings of theme-based history classes.  *** History's experiment with theme-based classes was short-lived; the effort was abandoned after one semester. 然而,这并不是因为学生和教师缺乏兴趣. Rather, there were logistical obstacles within our current systems (scheduling, classroom space, associate faculty seniority). 皇冠新现金网正在考虑的引导路径模式有望为基于主题的历史课引入新的途径(和相关性).
  2. 两名新的全职历史教师接替退休和辞职. *** Still to be addressed.
  3. 评估人文学科课程的安置和可行性. *** All but two courses in the Humanities discipline have been deleted. 剩下的两门课程提供西方文明史的内容——由于科罗拉多州立大学的变化,历史课程不再提供这些内容,但一些学生希望转学到加州大学. Low enrollments in HUM 17 and HUM 22 in recent semesters, and the college's new program-centered approach, mean that further evaluation of the viability of HUM courses is needed.
  4. Cross-list HIST 18 with MCS and reapply for HIST 18 to meet the U. S. History requirement for CSU and IGETC. *** 学院课程委员会现在不鼓励交叉列出课程. In Fall 2017, HIST 18 was submitted to the CSU to meet the U. S. History requirement; we are awaiting approval.
  5. 完成人文学科的SLO评估和课程回顾. *** The Humanities curriculum is current. While assessments are conducted regularly in Humanities courses, CurricUNET在报道“深度潜水”方面一直没有跟进.
  6. Continue to work on assessment of PLOs. *** 历史上在2010年还没有真正的公共科学图书馆,因为我们没有一个项目(学位). Since then, we have implemented the AA-T in History with specific PLOs. Our PLOs are aligned with course SLOs, and PLO assessment has occur through assessments at the course level. 2018-2019年的目标是重新定义我们的深度评估计划,使其更具可持续性,并更加以公共科学图书馆为中心.
  7. 与行政部门合作,确保兼职教师有足够和适当的工作空间. *** 当时,副教员刚刚无法进入LRC大楼的专用工作空间. 从那时起,LRC的几个办公室被指定为副教员办公室.
  8. 考虑为兼职教师提供津贴,帮助他们完成部门工作*** History had a much larger budget at the time of this Recommendation. It is no longer feasible with our existing budget. And besides, 在整个学院范围内设立一项政策/基金来补贴副教员将更为适当和公平.

Department Goals

  1. In support of Guided Pathways, 维持一个明确的外展计划,以指导和支持那些已经宣布或正在考虑主修历史的学生. 这些努力将通过对完成历史课程的学生的定期跟踪来了解, and collaboration with our Chico State colleagues.
  2. 找出历史课程成功率低于平均水平的根本原因,并提出教学策略,以达到学院标准.

Future Development Strategies

Strategy 1 - Support of Majors

Promotion Strategies:

  • 在每个秋季学期举办一个部门(ANTH, GEOG, HIST, POS)转学/职业活动.
  • 每学期至少举办一次活动,以便更好地将历史学生与Butte老师联系起来, the Chico State program, and/or each other. Examples include guest lecture series, history movie night, group attendance at a Chico State event, etc.
  • Create Canvas "course" to facilitate ongoing connection with majors.

Tracking Strategies:

  • 与奇科州立大学合作,确定/跟踪进入他们项目的Butte学生的进度.
  • 审查机构研究人员提供的转移数据和完整数据.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

To maximize student completion and success, the History degree program must be thoughtfully stewarded. Students must be made aware of the existence of the degree, the potential benefits (and limitations) upon transfer, career prospects, and how best to move through our program and to the next level.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: No
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: Yes
Improving Student Achievement: Yes
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: Yes

Strategy 2 - Course Success Rate Study

During Fall 2019, the program faculty will review and analyze student success data, including distance education and equity focused data. From the discussion, next steps, 将为2019-2020学年制定战略和时间表.

  • Enhancing a Culture of Completion and Goal Achievement
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Using Data-Informed Processes for Continuous Improvement
  • Enhancing a Culture of Equity and Inclusiveness

Supporting Rationale

HIST的课程成功率处于五年范围(FA 2012 - FA 2016)的高端:64.7, 65, 62.9, 61.5 and 66.5%. However, 课程成功率明显低于70%的大学总体标准, as well as the course success rate of 72.9% (2015-2016) for all Transfer/GE courses.

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Previous Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Changes from Student Learning Outcomes Assessment: Yes
Supports Meeting Standards and Goals for Student Achievement: Yes
Improving Student Achievement: Yes
Addressing Outstanding Program Review Recommendations: No
Supporting the College's Strategic Direction and Priorities: Yes

Requested Non-Financial Resources

Current Financial Resources

皇冠新现金网普通基金是历史学科的唯一财政支持来源. The annual budget allocation is $995.

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