2021-22 Unit Plan
Library Information Science

Mission Statement

皇冠新现金网图书馆是学院基础设施的重要组成部分, providing support for students, faculty and staff in their learning and teaching. 图书馆致力提供优质的资讯资源和服务,以配合学生的课程需要. 图书馆还协助满足我们整个大学社区的各种信息需求,并作为发展终身学习所需技能的一个组成部分. 

Program Description


Information Resources 

图书馆已发展了超过45种电子藏书,000本电子书和60个数据库的全文文章从数千个学术期刊, magazines and newspapers. 所有的电子资源在任何时候都可以在butte在线获得.edu/library. 图书馆藏书7万余册,印刷期刊70余种. 

Library Services 

图书馆提供全面的信息服务,包括图书流通和课程储备, Reference and Instruction, Interlibrary Loan, and Acquisitions and Cataloging. Most of our services are online, available anytime, 包括专业图书馆员通过在线聊天信息提供的实时参考协助. Students, faculty, and staff can renew books, place a hold, make an Interlibrary Loan request, or access electronic resources online. 教师可以为他们的班级安排一个图书馆教学课程.    

� Main Campus library provides a circulating collection and course reserves; in-person librarian reference; library instruction; two 1-credit LIS courses; one-on-one research consultations; Interlibrary loan; group study rooms; public computers; and a Power Hub area with comfortable seating and device charging tables. 

� Chico Center library provides circulating books by request; course reserves; some limited in-person librarian reference services; library instruction; test proctoring; and media services with a collection of DVDs available for faculty use. 

� Glenn Center has access to all our online resources; library instruction via scheduled appointment; a display rack of tip sheets and handouts for library services and academic needs; and a remote librarian station where Glenn patrons can ask questions by phone or online during all open hours at Main Campus. 

Library Instruction 

图书馆为全校班级提供图书馆指导课程, orientations, and Flex workshops. 图书馆为学生提供了几十个在线研究指南, 具体的校园范围内的课程,以及许多一般的内容指南. 我们通过任何Canvas类提供到Library网站的直接链接. 图书馆员教授LIS 11(研究策略),这是一门一单元的课程,可以面对面授课,也可以在线授课.  Librarians taught research skills to over 2,在上一学年,有超过100个预定的书目教学课程,共有000名学生. 

Student Learning/Administrative Unit Outcomes

图书馆教员、行政人员和分类人员继续每月开会一次. Improvements, changes, 并讨论了新的服务元素,并制定了所需更改的策略. 全职图书馆教员和图书馆服务主任在学期中定期会面,评估包括电子数据库在内的图书馆资源, print, and eBooks. 在整个学期中,图书馆教师将继续提供持续的图书馆教学.  

课程委员会设有专职图书馆员, Library Committee, Accreditation Steering Committee, Academic Tech Committee, 图书馆事务委员会及各聘雇委员会,汇报任何影响图书馆服务或馆藏的事宜. Staff use library usage statistics, including database usage and proficiency, survey results, reference and instruction services, 并对交易服务进行分析,分析学生使用图书馆的模式. Statistical reports on reference, electronic information resources, 每学期对交易服务进行整理和评估. 




The library provides support to the college to help achieve the following initiatives: enhancing a culture of completion and academic achievement; supporting student, faculty and staff success; maximizing resources to support student learning; enhancing a culture of inclusiveness; and using data informed processes for continuous improvement.    

图书馆将继续开发电子资源,以支持学生在信息资源方面的成功, including databases and eBooks, accessible online, to serve all students equally, whether they are on main campus, distance learners, or at the college’s extension sites.  

提升学生的资讯素养技能,并为他们转学作准备 4 year 或进入工作队伍,图书馆将继续建立我们的图书馆指导计划. 我们将与教师密切合作,将图书馆教学融入课程, continue to provide online tutorials, library credit courses, and reference help both face-to-face and online.  我们将继续为流通领域的教职员工和学生提供现场服务, collection development, and interlibrary loan. 

The library provides support to the college to help achieve the following initiatives: enhancing a culture of completion and academic achievement; supporting student, faculty and staff success; maximizing resources to support student learning; enhancing a culture of inclusiveness; and using data informed processes for continuous improvement.    

图书馆将继续开发电子资源,以支持学生在信息资源方面的成功, including databases and eBooks, accessible online, to serve all students equally, whether they are on main campus, distance learners, or at the college’s extension sites.  

提升学生的资讯素养技能,并为他们转学作准备 4 year 或进入工作队伍,图书馆将继续建立我们的图书馆指导计划. 我们将与教师密切合作,将图书馆教学融入课程, continue to provide online tutorials, library credit courses, and reference help both face-to-face and online.  我们将继续为流通领域的教职员工和学生提供现场服务, collection development, and interlibrary loan. 

Strategic Direction

图书馆支持学院实现其战略方针 a number of ways.  图书馆教授1单元课程(LIS 11研究策略),并通过与教师合作,向全校范围内的班级提供一次性指导.  The library continues to use data from surveys, evaluations, 和学生的反馈,以提高我们在所有地点和方式的资源.   In addition to Main Campus resources and services, 图书馆根据要求在奇科中心和格伦中心提供参考和指导, 全天候在线参考帮助任何学生与互联网 c连接,循环服务,以奇科中心和格伦中心的要求. The library continues to enhance its website, 提供全天候在线参考帮助以及新采用的目录和数据库搜索平台,该平台在所有加州社区学院中都是统一的.  

Program Review


Department Goals

图书馆在2021-2022学年的目标包括为奇科中心和主校区图书馆增加人手, 专门为主校区和奇科中心图书馆的学生助理提供资金, 参考资料收集审查,并推广在线课程.  

Future Development Strategies

策略1 -为主校区和奇科中心图书馆增加人手

图书馆还需要一名专职图书管理员来支持外围工作 centers and online services.  

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

To support student, 提高图书馆服务的效率和生产力,令教职员获得成功, and to expand services to extension sites. 

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Course level SLOs: No
Supports PLOs: No
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: No
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: No
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: No

策略2 -为主校区和奇科中心图书馆的学生助理获得专项资金

Student assistant?Library?就业提供了急需的文书增加?Library?professional staff.?It?也为学生提供了良好的培训和经验,在广泛的工作技能, including public service, data entry, computer skills, etc. 

  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

加强完成和目标实现的文化,并支持学生, 教师和工作人员通过提高学生的信息素养技能,并为他们转移到四年制大学或进入劳动力市场做好准备,从而取得成功. 

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Course level SLOs: No
Supports PLOs: No
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: No
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: No
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: No

Strategy 3 - Reference collection review

由于在网上找到的参考信息的可用性增加了?Library’s resources and the Internet, 图书管理员将审查参考资料收集并清除必要的卷.?任何由于审查和除草而产生的空间开口将在其中进行讨论?Library?staff and any needed funds?will be included in future Unit Plan.?? 

  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success
  • 使用数据为依据的过程进行持续改进
  • Maximizing Resources to Support Student Learning

Supporting Rationale

To support student, 提高图书馆服务的效率和生产力,令教职员获得成功, and to expand services to extension sites. 

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Course level SLOs: No
Supports PLOs: No
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: No
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: No
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: No

Strategy 4 - Outreach for online courses

鉴于目前的COVID-19大流行以及学院决定将大多数课程保持在线形式, the?Library?是否会继续建设网络服务,调查网络资源. Currently, 图书馆员正在制作视频教程,以取代面对面的教学, purchasing resources in an?eBook?格式来支持课程,并与教师和部门合作?to?assist?with adding?Library?services and materials to their Canvas courses.?? 

  • 加强完成和实现目标的文化
  • Supporting Student, Faculty and Staff Success

Supporting Rationale

加强完成和目标实现的文化,并支持学生, 通过促进教师与图书馆之间的合作,使教职员工取得成功. 

Supporting Rationale Alignment
Supports Program Review Recommendations: No
Supports Course level SLOs: No
Supports PLOs: No
Supports ILO - Think Critically: No
Supports ILO - Communicate Competently: No
Supports ILO - Engage Collaboratively: No
Supports ILO - Work Effectively: No

Requested Non-Financial Resources


Current Financial Resources

T图书馆将继续与学生协会和校园其他部门合作,以获得额外的资助,以庆祝一年一度的国家图书馆周, Banned Books Week and other events.  国家图书馆周庆祝图书馆及其在校园和社区中发挥的作用. 禁书周是一个全国性的活动,引起人们对审查制度和言论自由问题的关注.   学生和教师将参加有关禁书或受质疑书籍的新闻的信息展示, recent free speech cases on college campuses, and historical information on Libraries.  

Augmentation Requests

Original Priority Program, Unit, Area Resource Type Account Number Object Code One Time Augment Ongoing Augment
Description Supporting Rationale Potential Alternative Funding Sources Prioritization Criteria
1 Library Personnel 12 170 320 1 612000 52368 52368 $0.00 $26,000.00
FWS Funds for Main Campus Work Study Students 为学生助理的流通提供和恢复资金, computer commons, 及提供技术服务,由图书馆开放至关闭.
  • 落实2019-2020年战略方向重点
  • Meeting Vision for Success Goals
  • 达到学生成就目标(成功目标远景)
2 Library Personnel 12 170 320 3 613003 52358 52358 $0.00 $7,500.00
FWS Funds for Chico Center Work Study Students 为学生助理的流通提供和恢复资金, computer commons, 以及奇科中心的技术服务,从开放到关闭图书馆.
  • 落实2019-2020年战略方向重点
  • Meeting Vision for Success Goals
  • 达到学生成就目标(成功目标远景)
3 Library Personnel 11 000 320 1 612000 52368 52368 $0.00 $22,000.00
主校区勤工俭学学生地区基金 为学生助理的发行量提供和恢复资金, computer commons, 及提供技术服务,由图书馆开放至关闭.
  • 落实2019-2020年战略方向重点
  • Meeting Vision for Success Goals
  • 达到学生成就目标(成功目标远景)
4 Library Personnel 11 000 320 3 613003 52368 52368 $0.00 $4,000.00
Chico中心勤工俭学学生地区基金 为学生助理的流通提供和恢复资金, computer commons, 以及奇科中心的技术服务,从开放到关闭图书馆.
  • 落实2019-2020年战略方向重点
  • Meeting Vision for Success Goals
  • 达到学生成就目标(成功目标远景)
5 Library Personnel 11 000 320 1 612003 51470 51470 $54,000.00 $60,000.00
全职Chico中心/印刷和电子资源馆员(从目前开放的全职兼职馆员职位) 在奇科中心图书馆提供全职图书馆员服务,并监督图书馆的印刷和电子资源, 在图书馆预算中增加兼职图书馆员(2019年12月退休).
  • 落实2019-2020年战略方向重点
  • Meeting Vision for Success Goals
  • Implementing AB 705
  • Implementing Guided Pathways: a. Strategic Scheduling; b. Hobsons Starfish
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • Meeting enrollment targets
  • 达到学生成就目标(成功目标远景)
6 Library Equipment 11 000 320 1 612003 51470 51470 $4,000.00 $0.00
Laptop/Wi-fi lending program 由学生公平和成就计划提供资金,用于维护图书馆的笔记本电脑和wi-fi借阅计划.
  • Student Equity and Achievement Program
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion
  • 达到学生成就目标(成功目标远景)
7 Library Personnel $0.00 $7,146.00
OER Coordinator The OER Coordinator will train and assist faculty, lead workshops, develop online training resources, 并在寻找开放教育资源(OER)方面提供个性化的帮助,以满足免费的需求, low cost, 为所有学生提供可访问的资源,尤其是皇冠新现金网的弱势群体.
  • Student Equity and Achievement Program
  • 落实2019-2020年战略方向重点
  • Meeting Vision for Success Goals
  • Implementing AB 705
  • Implementing Guided Pathways: a. Strategic Scheduling; b. Hobsons Starfish
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • 达到学生成就目标(成功目标远景)
8 Library Personnel 11 000 320 1 612003 51470 51470 $0.00 $10,187.00
Library Department Chair 具有图书馆学的学术背景,担任专门的系主任,领导图书馆工作.
  • 落实2019-2020年战略方向重点
  • Meeting Vision for Success Goals
  • Implementing AB 705
  • Implementing Guided Pathways: a. Strategic Scheduling; b. Hobsons Starfish
  • 达到学生成就目标(成功目标远景)
  • Strengthening Professional Development
9 Library Operating Expenses 11 000 320 1 612000  54500 54500 $0.00 $3,000.00
Events 图书馆活动,以促进使用图书馆和信息素养. Events include Banned Books Week, National Library Week, book displays, Library Prize (Research project competition).
  • 落实2019-2020年战略方向重点
  • Meeting Vision for Success Goals
  • Closing Equity Gaps
  • 达到学生成就目标(成功目标远景)
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness
  • Strengthening Professional Development
10 Library Operating Expenses 11-000-320-1-612000 55200 55200 $0.00 $4,500.00
Professional Development Travel 供图书馆职员参加专业发展的会议及工作坊.
  • 落实2019-2020年战略方向重点
  • 达到学生成就目标(成功目标远景)
  • Fostering a Culture of Inclusiveness
  • Improving Processes: a. Data and Reporting; b. Internal Communications
  • Strengthening Professional Development