Accessible Documents

Essentially, 使文档易于访问意味着通过视觉格式(标题)传达的任何信息, font changes, tables, etc.), and other visual elements like images, 需要标记——将计算机代码嵌入到该元素上——以便屏幕阅读器或类似的技术能够口头传达相同的信息. 它还意味着用适当的文本大小格式化文档, print/background contrast, and information cues that are not dependent on color (see the Department of Rehabilitation's PDF for specific recommendations).


但是,要使MS Word和PDF文档与屏幕阅读器兼容(请参阅 Example 1 and Example 2 屏幕阅读器的作用)以及其他辅助技术, certain steps need to be followed. 这一页提供了一些使您的MS Word和PDF文档可访问的基础知识. THIS PAGE IS ONLY A STARTING POINT. 有关使文档完全可访问的更完整指导,请参阅本页末尾的参考资料, according to your needs.


A comprehensive, highly detailed Microsoft Support article on creating accessible documents is available. This worksheet condenses material from this and other sources.


*TIP: to simplify your life, 为可访问性设置文档,然后将其用作其他类似文档的模板. For example, set up the syllabus for one of your classes, 然后保存以其他类命名的不同版本. 然后,您可以根据特定类的需要修改特定文档的内容.


*TIP: For Microsoft Office 2010 or later, an Accessibility Checker feature is available.

Checklist for accessible MSWord documents (from the Microsoft Support article on creating accessible documents):

  • Add alternative text to images and objects
  • Specify column header rows in tables
  • Use styles in long documents
  • Use short titles in headings
  • Ensure all heading styles are in the correct order
  • Use hyperlink text that is meaningful
  • Use simple table structure
  • Avoid using blank cells for formatting
  • Structure layout tables for easy navigation
  • Avoid using repeated blank characters
  • Avoid using floating objects
  • Avoid image watermarks

For most faculty members, the three most common items needing attention are Styles/Headings, alternative text ("Alt Text"), and Tables. See the full Microsoft article link above, or the resources listed below, for help with other areas in the list.


Before you start making changes, save a clean copy 这样你就可以在需要的时候重新开始了.


1. Styles/Headings: 对于大多数Word用户来说,主要的变化是熟悉了工具栏的样式区域. Styles are on the Home menu, 栏的右侧,为使用最新版本Word软件的用户提供. 

Here are some tutorials for using Styles:
Microsoft Office Styles article
Shauna Kelly's Styles Tips – has tips for Styles in older versions of MSWord, as well
Youtube video on using Styles in MSWord
请记住,您也可以在MSWord帮助菜单中输入Styles以获得帮助. 尝试探索样式菜单和选项,以尝试一系列标准和自定义选项. 请注意,对单个标题的更改将如何自动更新整个文档中相同级别标题的其余部分.

*TIP: When using your completed document as a template, don't cut and paste in content from other documents 因为你可能会丢失你辛苦放入的样式标签和格式. Instead, type the content from the old document into the Styles-updated doument manually.

2. Alternative text: right click on the image or object > click on Format > click on Alt Text > enter a title AND a more detailed description. 你的描述尤其需要传达你想让视障读者看到的关键点, or users with text-only internet connections, to take from your image/object.

3. Tables: to make tables accessible in Word, keep them simple (don't merge or nest cells, 只使用一个标题行和/或一个标题列),并确定哪一行/列包含标题. To do this in Word, select that row/column (Table > Select > Row), then right click the row and select "Table Properties". This brings up the Table Properties dialog. In this dialog, click the Row tab, 然后勾选“在每页的顶部重复作为标题行”的复选框.


Why bother with this? Although this video 显示网站表格(在html代码中)而不是MSWord文档的问题, several of the same concerns apply.

Creating accessible PDF documents:

对于我们大多数人来说,创建可访问的pdf最简单的方法是首先使用可访问性方面的最佳实践在MSWord中创建文档(见上文)。. Then, for users of Word 2010 and 2013 (Windows):

  • Go to File > "Save As..." and select PDF from the choices provided. 默认情况下,这会生成一个保留文档可访问性特性的PDF.
  • 保存时,选择Options并确保选中“Document structure tags for accessibility”. 这在默认情况下是选中的,但在某些情况下可能不选中.
  • If you select "Minimize Size" to reduce the size of your PDF, be sure to repeat the preceding step, 因为这个选项可能取消选中“文档结构标记的可访问性”复选框.

如果您使用的是旧版本的MSWord,或者您使用的是Mac版的Word,则过程将有所不同. One of the resources below may have guidelines for you.


If your document is a paper one (你只有打印件或复印件),然后联系技术中介指导(TMI) to request that they scan an ACCESSIBLE PDF for you. 除非您和您的扫描仪知道如何创建基于文本的PDF而不是基于图像的PDF,否则不要自己扫描它(请参阅下面的“转换现有PDF文档”一节了解更多说明)。.


Why bother with this? This video has examples of how a screen reader interacts with un-tagged, poorly tagged, and properly tagged PDFs. 它有30分钟长,但你可以从抽样中得到一些想法.

Converting existing PDF documents:

If you already have PDFs that you are using, 您需要做一个简单的测试,看看您的pdf是否至少可以被屏幕阅读器最低限度地读取. 打开PDF并使用选择工具选择文档的一部分. 如果选择工具从一个字母前面开始,然后在滚动时逐个单词或逐行选择, 您的PDF是基于文本的PDF格式(您可能仍然需要技术支持来添加嵌入标签来标记格式,如标题和超链接). 如果选择工具显示选择文档的某个区域而没有引用任何文本格式, 您的PDF可能是基于图像的PDF,屏幕阅读器无法读取. Contact TMI for assistance creating accessible, text-based PDFs.

Other resources for additional help:

See the Checklist page's PDFs under the Websites heading, or the Accessibility area in the Blackboard community for faculty, 大学政策和对可访问文件和材料的要求.
The Department of Rehabilitation's simple, 易于遵循的指南,创建可访问的文档,包括注意事项,如字体大小, appropriate use of color and contrast, 以及我在上面的简要概述中没有提到的其他考虑因素.
很棒的资源,概述了文档的可访问性关注点,以及特定于不同文档格式和文档创建软件(MSWord)的链接, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Acrobat Pro).
Excellent set of links for creating accessible content, including documents in various formats, 由国家残疾和获得教育中心主办并定期更新.


Material provided for information purposes only. For legal advice, consult a legal professional.